Selamat datang di gubug Inspirasi Coffee. Blog ini dikelola oleh penulis sejak September 2008. Sampai sekarang, api semangat menulis masih menyala terang, menarikan pena melukiskan cerita kehidupan. Hak cipta dilindungi oleh Allah Azza wa Jalla.
Selamat Membaca ^_^

Kamis, 21 Maret 2013

2 Write to Shape Public Opinion

It has been three weeks, inspirasi coffee's blog is couldn't be updated because the writer seems too busy with certain matters. Actually it is not about busy matter, but rather about the will of writer to write. Since there are many people out there who are busy but they still actively writing on his personal blog. I think it is something extraordinary. Therefore, I want to hold that principle. Principle that's very special . Principle not to give up in bustle. I have to keep writing even in difficult conditions. Of course you will agree with this, isn't it?

I often write a post in this blog, that the meaning of the writing can be very much at all. Everyone has their own reasons. There are because they want to share, those also who wish for praise. It all comes back to us each. There is no right and wrong to interpret the meaning of the writing. The important thing is how we can inspire kindness to others. That way, our writings will be more meaningful.

Writing is not just writing a sentence word for word. But the writing was already a powerful weapon to form an opinion. So it is no exaggeration, that in this day age, the opinion made ​​by the mass media is the most powerful weapon to conquer the world. The sword could probably kill a man, but a growing opinion in the media, could poison the minds of millions of people.

write to shape public opinion

Today, blog has given such great opportunities for us to help shape public opinion. We also can do it. With blogs that we manage themselves, have the opportunity to read a lot of heads out there. So let's write about goodness. So we can be one of those who contributed to make the world better.

For me, writing is ingrained. What about you bloggers?

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2 komentar:

Terima kasih atas komentarnya ya sobat blogger. Terima kasih juga sudah menggunakan kalimat yang sopan serta tidak mengandung unsur SARA dan pornografi. Komentar yang tidak sesuai, mohon maaf akan dihapus tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya.

Btw, tunggu kunjungan saya di blog anda yah.. salam blogger


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